Camp with his Troop/Patrol for 3 consecutive nights in the open, Gatherings like Jamborees, rallies etc are not to be counted.

2) Be able to improvise either a shelter or a hut or a machan with available natural material for two persons to sleep in.

3) Earn Disaster Management Badge

4) Earn any 2 of the following Proficiency badges not earned earlier:

     Scouts:                                                                                        Guides

AIDS Awareness                                                            AIDS Awareness
Handy Man                                                                    Handy Woman
Fireman                                                                          Beautician
Pathfinder                                                                      Pathfinder
Sea Fisherman                                                               Sea Fisherman
Hiker                                                                              Hiker
World Conservation                                                     World Conservation
Interpreter                                                                     Interpreter
Farmer                                                                           Farmer
Free Being Me                                                               Free Being Me 
Solar Energy Awareness                                               Solar Energy Awareness
Event Manager                                                              Event Manager
Self defence                                                                    Self defence
Back woodman

5) Participate in a sustained community development project at least 2 hours in a week for 6 months on any 2 of the following subjects.

  a)Promote gender equality and empower women
  b)reduce child mortality
  c) improve maternal health
  d) Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other disease
  e) Ensure environmental sustainability 

6) Work as a Badge instructor of a Patrol or a troop in the vicinity. or teach games for younger children for 15 days.

  For Guides
 Under the guidence of the guide Captain teach games for younger children for 15 days.    


show the knowledge of interior decoration and Fancy cooking.

7)  to have knowledge and prepare a log book on Kanderstag adventure centre of WOSM in Switzerland (not for guides).

8) Have knowledge about the WOSM website and gain information about Asia Pacific Region 

   (for Guides)

Have knowledge and prepare a Log book on the 5 World centers of WAGGGS.


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