3 (a) COOKING know the working and maintenance of a kerosine, pressure stove or Gas stove.

Instruction Manual for Kerosene Pressure Stoves
Instruction Manual for Kerosene Pressure Stoves
  • Place the stove on the floor. Please insure that floor is non flammable & heat resistant.
  • Unscrew the oil knob of the Stove.
  • Insert the funnel in the oil knob. (Please do not insert in completely and ensure the passage of air).
  • Pour the Kerosene Oil from the top of funnel slowly. Fill the tank with 1 Ltr. of Kerosene Oil. Do not fill the entire tank.
  • After filling the Kerosene Oil tighten the oil knob. Also tighten the Air Release Screw.
  • Pump the stove 2-3 times by pumping the pressure pump.
  • Check the burner tip. The kerosene oil should starts coming out from tip of burner. (If oil does not comes in 5-6 pumps, clean the hole at the tip of burner by inserting pin in it. As soon as the Kerosene OIl comes out from burner tip, loosen the Air Release Screw at the top of Knob.
  • Lit the burner with match stick. Let the burner warm up for 30 seconds.
  • Again tighten the Air Release Screw and Pump till you get the required flame. Clean burner if necessary.
  • When the job is over, loosen the Air Release Screw completely to turn off the stove. 

(b) cook in the tea or coffee for a person(activity).

How to make a cup of tea?

How to make a cup of tea?

We will start this blog post with a very simple question “How do you make a cup of tea?” That’s an easy one you may say. There are simple steps and order in which you must do things:
1. Fill up the kettle with water
2. Boil the kettle
3. Place a teabag in your favourite mug
4. Pour boiling water into your favourite mug
5. Brew the tea for a few moments
6. Remove and dispose of the teabag
7. Add milk
8. Add sugar
9. Stir the tea
10. Enjoy the hot beverage

Some may disagree with the 10 steps above. You may not like sugar in your tea or add milk to begin with. The point is although we have the same desired end result we may all approach the method differently. There is no right or wrong way (although putting milk in first is just wrong!) it is about the method that is the best and works for you.

(c) know the safety precautions in case of a gas leak.

In the event of a gas leak or suspected leak Stop the gas flow at the container - for tanks, turn off the Tank Emergency Shut off valves (there will be two of these for tanks with liquid offtakes, ie., where it is used for filling vehicles or cylinders); for propane cylinders, turn off the cylinder alive; for butane cylinders, turn off the regulator. turn off all naked flames and eliminate all sources of ignition BUT do not turn electrical switches on or off. If leak is indoors, open all windows and doors, to disperse the gas. In the case of cylinders, disconnect the cylinder and move it outdoors to an open area. If the leak cannot be stopped or a significant leak has occurred, evacuate the premises.


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